Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'll try anything again...

I know - I've blogged in the past. I am working on ideas for a blog I started in January with table discussion topics - this is not a replacement for that.

These are true stories about our family. Sometimes, it's a perfect picture of family bliss. More often than not, we're just a mess.

Today, my son was contemplating a second helping of cheese balls. In his own wisdom, he told me, "This will be all, mom. I won't have anymore, even though I want some more. I am sacrificing. You know, like Jesus." We are Catholic. The kids are in Catholic School. I love that he is aware of the sacrifices of Christ, but to compare his sacrifice to not having more cheese balls? Still pondering that one.

I took all the kids to Target for groceries. We spent a small fortune it seemed, but finished successfully. As we are walking out. I am so confident that no one has had a meltdown. No one threw a fit. We had no tears. Success. Then I ran over my four-year-old with the shopping cart in front of the customer service desk. Sounds terrible, but he bounced up quickly and was fine. I had to remind myself that too much confidence in my new role as a stay at home mom can quickly turn. Very quickly.

Finally, as my friends, you all know that we didn't arrive at the decision for me to stay home lightly. However imperfect my house still is, however forgetful and crazy busy I can be still, I am so lucky to be home with these four little ones.

That's why I named this blog Raising Four Kids and Myself. I have as much to learn as the kids do.


  1. I love it!!!!! I look forward to reading more stories about the Burkes!!!

  2. Can't wait to read more stories!

  3. Susan and Beth, you both set a high bar with your own blogs!! Hope I can keep up!
