Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Birthday Parties - Grown Up Style

We had four different birthday parties this past weekend - insanity. We missed one, but enjoyed the three we did go to. As for the 'raising myself' portion of this blog, the biggest eye opener to being home full time with four kids is that we do what we can do and don't worry about the rest. I have so little stress now. Right now, my house is a disaster. There were 10 kids roaming through here yesterday and I am still recovering :)

Back to birthday parties - I am distracted this morning...

What if grown ups had parties like kids? We could have play time at a park. We'd swing, slide and play tag. Then, we could have cake and ice cream. Finally, the birthday adult could sit down with all their friends around them. Present time. Gifts wouldn't be big things. A new potholder. A cool magnet. A makeup bag. A new shade of nail polish. Little things. And you could tear through them and your adult friends could giggle about it. As a farewell, everyone would get a goody bag. I vote for a chocolate bar in the goody bag.

I think it would be fun. Random? I know.

Finally, we are venturing into trying the mediterranean diet. We had the realization that, even though we think we may be 24, we are not. We are approaching 40 at lightning speed. Time to think about longterm health we suppose. I have created our menu for next week from the Eating Well website. Here's to health! Maybe instead of the chocolate bar in the goody bag, I should have some plain nuts for heart health.

1 comment:

  1. Red wind for heart health. See a trend for me today?
