Thursday, September 22, 2011

Seven SHORT years ago...

Today is a special day - Jack turns 7! It is such a cliche, but it really does seem like he was a baby yesterday. He is turning into a very special young man with many neat talents. He is smart. He loves music - and Aunt Katie is teaching him to play the guitar! He asks a million questions every day. He is going to play basketball this winter and it already loving Cub Scouts.

I remember being so excited to have him - we had just had a big storm and lost power at our house for three days. The power came on and we went to the doctor on the 21st and they decided to induce labor today. Then the hospital called and told us to wait because they were full already. We scrubbed the house and got lots done before heading to the hospital around 9am. He was born around 3:45 weighing in at 7 lbs., 15 oz. He is a miracle every day.

Today, I will bring him Chick-Fil-A for lunch at school and doughnuts to share with his class. I am going to surprise him with a movie after school. We are very, very lucky to have the beautiful family we have. We know that. I am grateful for a day like today to help me remember it!

Happy Birthday Jack!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Jack!! Hope seven is a spectacular year for you!!!! {And they really do grow up SO VERY FAST}!!!!
